Magical Touch Magical Straightener 6 oz
A new and exciting innovation in grooming products. Light and undetectable on all coat types, it has been described as "Truly Magical."
This product contains conditioning properties that help seal the hair cuticles and therefore will not dry out your dog's coat or damage it in any way.
Makes the waves disappear on all coat types, and keeps the wave down for hours, without buildup or residue. When dry it becomes totally undetectable, yet will hold hold the wave straight and in place for hours and can be re-applied multiple times at the show.
Contains NO ALCOHOL or HARSH CHEMICALS. It can easily be rinsed out. A truly wonderful hold for the waves.
Magical Touch Magical Straightener 6 oz
From $27Customer Reviews
It does what it states it will! I use the flat iron alot on the dogs but now I can just use this and it works as well!Very cool product...I was amazed!